Food as a Weapon: Starving Us into Submission

Food as a Weapon: Starving Us into Submission


Remember, too, that at a time when people are very concerned with their health and its relationship to what they eat, we have handed over the responsibility for our nourishment to faceless corporations. ― Lynne Rossetto Kasper

GM has never been about feeding the world or tackling environmental problems. It is and has always been about control of the global food economy by a tiny handful of giant corporations. It’s not wicked to question that process. It is wicked not to. — Zac Goldsmith

To preserve the human race, it is now necessary to reorganize society. To this end, an Authority must be created with the power to control human population, to redistribute food, to purify air, water, soil, to re-pattern the cities. — Gore Vidal

Would food be considered an instrument of national power? . . . Is the U.S. prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth? — Henry A. Kissinger



Food as an Instrument of Control and a Weapon of War

Along with control of our movements, associations and speech, we are now facing control of our food supply.

In the long history of the annals of war, unsurprisingly, conquerors discovered the use of food as a weapon with which to subdue a captured population. [1][2]

Made weak from the lack of adequate nourishment, or outright starving, a people can easily be managed; desperation will bring them to heel, famine will seal their fate.

Lenore Newman, author of Speaking in Cod Tongues: A Canadian Culinary Journey:

‘If we look at the history of colonization, the first settlers really relied on Indigenous foods, and collaborating with Indigenous people to stay fed . . .  But when we get into the country-building period, we see food being used as a weapon.’

Newman cited examples of settlers taking control of salmon distribution on the West Coast, or the Canadian government’s move to wipe out the buffalo in hopes of starving First Nations across the prairies.

She also mentioned how Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald infamously ‘bragged’ about using food as a weapon against Indigenous peoples. [3]

Ironically, perhaps, and certainly interestingly, Ms. Newman is a member of the B.C. Food Security Task Force, which in 2019 produced a report entitled The Future of B.C.’s Food System. [4 ]

A sample quote: ‘An agritech incubator-accelerator can play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of innovation in B.C. and building a supportive and collaborative ecosystem for the burgeoning agritech industry.’ 

See also Brian Bethune’s review of historian Lizzie Collingham’s book The Taste of War: World War Two and the Battle for Food. [ 5]

Zero Carbon Dioxide Equals Zero Plants 

It does not take an agronomist, far less a rocket scientist, to realize that carbon dioxide is necessary for plants to grow. For plants it is the breath of life; they breathe carbon dioxide as we breathe oxygen. We exhale the carbon dioxide they need, while they exhale the oxygen we need.

Greenhouses, at considerable expense, have carbon dioxide dispensers, which fill the air with many times the normal level to achieve enhanced growth. The plants flourish under these conditions, more than justifying the initial financial outlay. [ 6]

Now ‘climate change’ has evolved into a plan for ‘zero carbon,’ which logically would result in zero plants and zero people, and your ‘carbon footprint’ has evolved into your ‘carbon foodprint.’ [ 7]

At the current COP 26 confab in Glasgow, the organizers have helpfully labelled food items in the cafeteria accordingly. Though I doubt that many at the top of the heap—who undoubtedly arrived in their private Lear jets which must spew nothing but water vapour—will have any such accounting thrust before them as they tuck into their venison, salmon or lobster swimming in butter. And, since they are in Scotland, let us not forget the haggis, prominently featured as a high carbon item in ’The Scottish Larder.

Click here to read the entire article

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In 2016, WVW-TV began to urge our radio and television audience to prepare for increasingly uncertain times such as:

  • disrupted “just in time” inventory supply chains
  • massive increase in inflation
  • biological warfare and terrorism
  • an EMP attack from China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea
  • A cyber attack on our critical infrastructure, including power-grid, water utilities and/or the banking industry

Then, 2020 happened with the biological attack on America by Communist China through Covid-19. Finding hamburger meat, a can of soup, pasta, a can of tuna, and other basics became shockingly challenging.

Those who had mocked our organization for calling on our audience to prepare with an emergency food supply were no longer laughing at us. In fact, some of them began to order emergency food from our store.

I have enjoyed Mountain House food on camping trips going back to when I was in high school. I purchased 6 months of food for 5 people in April of 2013 for my family. Three and a half years later, Worldview Weekend became a distributor for Mountain House because we personally know and testify to the quality of the food and understand the need for families to have "food insurance" in an increasingly dangerous world.

Please go to

 to place your order while we have the inventory or go directly to this link:

Your purchase of emergency, freeze dried food will not only support your family, but you will also be supporting the continuation of WVW Broadcast Network and all our free radio and television programs through your purchase.

Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network