U.S. Male Soldiers Forced to Shower with Transgendered Women: Worldview Report Transcript For July 11, 2022

U.S. Male Soldiers Forced to Shower with Transgendered Women: Worldview Report Transcript For July 11, 2022

INTRO: Male soldiers being forced to shower with transgendered women? Welcome to the new woke version of the U.S. Army.

As the U.S. Army under Biden worries about accommodating its trannies, Russian President Putin is ramping up the war rhetoric, issuing a new challenge to the U.S. and its NATO allies.

Get ready for rolling blackouts across portions of the U.S. as the summer heat wave continues. We’ll explain what’s happening to our power grid.

The nation’s largest teachers’ union issues its annual legislative agenda and atop its list of proposals is to ban the use of the words “mother” and “father” in all public schools.

We’ll have all these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now.


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse.

Leading off tonight, we bring you a shocking story about just how far the U.S. military has been degraded and debased under the presidency of Joe Biden.

An Army training slide obtained by Breitbart News instructs soldiers to shower with transgender members of the opposite sex.

The training slide instructs soldiers on what to do if they encounter a female soldier who identifies as male according to the Department of Defense’s personnel tracking system known as Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, or DEERS, but has not surgically transitioned and still has “female genitalia.”

The slide, titled Soldier/Unit Training Barracks, Bathrooms, and Showers, reads:

“Following his transition from female to male (which did not include sex reassignment surgery) and gender marker change in DEERS, a transgender Soldier begins using male barracks, bathroom, and shower facilities. Because he did not undergo a surgical change, the Soldier still has female genitalia.”

The slide further instructs: “Soldiers must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy. … Understand anyone may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS.”

It also tells soldiers they should be “respectful of the privacy and modesty concerns of others,” but that “transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.”

The training slides warn soldiers that violations of Equal Opportunity policies may result in disciplinary actions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and that Equal Opportunity policies “apply to working, living, and recreational environment (on and off-post, during duty and non-duty hours).”

Soldiers with concerns or questions about this radical new policy are told to discuss them with their chain of command.


While the U.S. Army is concerned about its trannies having the right to shower with whomever they choose, the Russian military is gearing up for real war.

Oh, and what you’ve seen in the Ukraine? That’s barely a warm-up session for what Russia has prepared for us, says President Vladimir Putin.

During a July 7th speech addressing Russian parliament officials, Putin warned that the military has barely started its operations in Ukraine – suggesting he sees a long-haul fight possibly for the whole of Ukraine ahead – in a direct challenge to the West as it continues to send arms to Ukraine.

Zero Hedge reports that Putin’s latest remarks are being widely viewed as one of the fiercest challenges issued to Western backers of Ukraine since he authorized the February 24 invasion.

Take a look at what Mr. Putin had to say.



Let them try, says Putin. This does not sound like a man who is deterred, or impressed, by the U.S. troops and war material being funneled into Europe.


Just the News reports that an Ohio church camp is housing children as young as 8 based on their gender identity, while parents will not be notified if a transgender counselor or camper is in their child's cabin, according to the camp's website.

Camp Akita, a mission of Columbus-based First Community Church, hosts camps for children entering first grade with overnight options available for kids entering third grade and above.

Counselors are assigned to cabins based off of their gender identity, the organization stated, adding that parents will not know the names of the counselors.

Under the question “Will I be notified if a trans Counselor is in my child’s cabin?" Camp Akita stated that "families will not be notified of the names, medical histories, or any other personal information about their child’s Counselors before, during, or after their session.”

The same policy applies for transgender children attending the camp, and children may choose to switch cabins during camp without parental notification.

Camp Akita, which is one of more than 2,400 camps accredited by the American Camp Association, said other camps have similar transgender policies.


Consumer demand for electricity is expected to reach its peak this summer in July and August. And this, we are told, will lead to blackouts all across the country.

In an op-ed for the America First Report, Ethan Huff writes that utility companies all seem to know ahead of time that demand for energy will outstrip the supply, leaving millions without power during the hottest months of the year.

A report from Refinitiv data states:

“Federal agencies responsible for power reliability, like the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, have warned that grids in the western half of the country could face reliability issues this summer as consumers crank up air conditioners to escape the heat.”

Huff notes that as energy equipment breaks down over the summer, power companies say they probably will not have the spare parts or other resources necessary to fix it fast enough to keep the power on – allegedly because of the heat.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas says it is already asking customers to cut back on their energy use and turn up their air-conditioning units after six power plants shut down back in May during a heatwave.

Another event in Ohio that was blamed on a storm left some 200,000 homes and businesses without power. The grid operator there said it had to intentionally shut down power in some areas to prevent remaining lines from becoming overloaded.

Huff writes:

“There sure are a lot of these mysterious incidents happening at once, almost as if someone is testing the grid to see how easy it is to knock out at a later date, which they already appear to be planning for in advance.”

Ralph Izzo, head of the New Jersey-based Public Service Enterprise Group, says energy utilities are having to be frugal with their replacement parts in order to avoid running out in the event of a weather emergency – or even just a few consecutive days of heavy heat.

Izzo stated:

“You don’t want to deplete your inventory because you don’t know when that storm is coming, but you know it’s coming … If we have successive days of 100-degree heat, those pole top transformers, they start popping like Rice Krispies, and we would not have the supply stack to replace them.”


Long-time NHL Defenseman and current San Jose Sharks Scout Bryan Marchment died unexpectedly on Wednesday during a trip to Montreal, his agent confirmed to the AP. He was 53 years old.

The news outlet reported: “Longtime agent Rick Curran confirmed Marchment’s death to The Associated Press. Marchment was attending the NHL draft in Montreal as a scout for the San Jose Sharks.”



His death, as with all of the many others we have shared over the course of this year, was reported as sudden and “unexpected.” And there was no immediate information about the cause of his death.


The National Education Association, which is among the largest labor unions in the country, has offered its new agenda and proposals, encompassing everything from climate change and foreign affairs, leaving very little room for actual education policy, according to an article in the Post Millennial.

One of the most bizarre of the NEA’s proposals is to ban the words mother and father from America’s classrooms and replace those terms with either "birthing parent" or "non-birthing parent."

This is to appease trans advocates who feel that using names for relationships that denote biological sex is in some way discriminatory toward people who choose not to identify with the biological sex they were assigned at birth by their Creator.

The NEA also stated as part of its agenda it wants more gun control laws, mandatory masks and vaccines for every child, and more policies that fight climate change.


Researcher James Roguski appeared in a new interview in which he’s sounding the alarm on the new round of Covid gene-therapy injections coming from Pfizer and Moderna.

According to Roguski, “The FDA has changed the rules because they changed the definition [of vaccine]. The only thing that was tested was whether or not an immune response could be measured, not clinical outcomes.”

This is why people are dying and getting sick.

Take a look at this interview he did on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast.



60 micrograms in a child? This is going to be catastrophic. Roguski and Naomi Wolfe have been warning parents not to let their children receive any of these vaccines, which as you heard in that interview were never tested for a long-term clinical outcome. They were only tested for whether they could trigger a short-term immune response.


Americans should anticipate worsening shortages of everything from groceries and hardware, to housewares and clothing, now that California is enacting a new law that experts say will drive 70,000 independent truckers off the roads.

The California Truckers Association is warning that these independent truckers, known as owner-operators, are targeted by a new predatory law, called AB-5.

The new law, passed and signed by Democrats, essentially outlaws independent contractors from operating transport trucks in the state of California. When it goes into effect over the next few days — after the US Supreme Court refused to intervene last week — California will be hit with a massive shutdown of transportation capacity, something the California Truckers Association has referred to as a “truckpocalypse.”

While some trucking companies maintain full-time employees to operate long-haul rigs, many drivers are owner-operators who own their own trucks and pick up contract jobs from the hundreds of shipping and transport companies that operate in California. These owner-operators pay their own taxes, buy their own health insurance and cover their own fuel costs.

California Democrats, however, think doing business as an independent trucker should be criminalized. They want every driver to be a unionized employee of a big corporation.

As FreightWaves.com reports, the implications of this law will be nothing short of catastrophic for America’s nationwide transportation infrastructure. That’s because much of the imported goods sold at Walmart and other stores arrive at ports off the coast of California. If 70,000 independent truckers are taken out of the system, those goods won’t get shipped out of port.

Matt Schrap, the CEO of the Harbor Trucking Association, issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to allow this law to go into effect:

“It is extremely unfortunate that this Court couldn’t see through their own political agenda to identify the obvious preemption that exists under the F4A. This ruling will have far-reaching impacts that will upend the industry as we know it. Tens of thousands of truck drivers will be driven out of established business relationships within a week. No doubt this will further stress the supply chain.”


Has Joe Biden been funding a global sex ring out of Eastern Europe?

As The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila reported earlier — Joe Biden wired his son Hunter $100,000 back in December 2018 and January 2019 to “pay bills.”

Now we know that Hunter Biden used much of that money to pay for Russian prostitutes.

The Washington Examiner obtained text messages from Hunter Biden’s laptop showing Joe Biden paid up to $30,000 to a Russian escort ring.



Hunter Biden sent text messages to a contact named “Eva” – a person who handles payments to the Russian prostitutes – complaining that his account was getting hit with “red flags” because of the Russian email accounts.

A 2020 Senate report proves Hunter Biden made payments to prostitutes overseas. That report states, “Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries,” and records note some of these transactions are linked to what “appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”

SHOW TWEET from Examiner reporter


On Wednesday Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, joined investigative reporter John Solomon on Real America’s Voice to discuss the Biden crime family.

Senator Johnson said he was highly concerned that Joe Biden is compromised by his son’s involvement in a global sex operation.



Will this be the issue which the corporate media uses to finally take down Joe Biden and replace him with someone else atop the Democrat Party? It’s sure starting to look that way and several mainstream media outlets are suddenly admitting that, yes, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal they tried to bury right before the November 2020 election is a real scandal, not “Russian disinformation” like they tried to tell us at the time. Joe and Hunter Biden had better be lawyering up.


As you know, the FDA and CDC have signed off on emergency use of Covid vaccines for the youngest segment of children, from 6 months to 4 years old.

In doing so, they made the U.S. the first country in the world to allow infants and toddlers to be injected with the experimental mRNA gene-based vaccines.

People are wondering how the agencies put in charge of protecting the health of Americans could make such a reckless decision?

Dr. Peter McCullough, the renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist from Baylor University and editor of several medical journals, appeared on Real America’s Voice to answer that question.

Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 2:24 to 4:12 mark)


There you have it. Intentionally, willfully blind. And how do regulators become willfully blind? They become that way, as Dr. McCullough has previously explained on this network, when they receive funding from the very pharmaceutical giants they are supposed to be regulating.


Some good news to report tonight in the area of vaccine mandates for school children.

The Los Angeles Unified School District’s student COVID-19 vaccine mandate was struck down by a Superior Court judge, who ruled that the nation’s second-largest public school system had exceeded its authority by imposing requirements beyond those of the state of California.

The decision did not have an immediate effect, as the proposed mandate had been postponed until July 2023, but the district’s school board was resolute in its defense of the policy. It is unclear if board members intend to appeal the decision.

A California-based organization called Let Them Breathe, which is opposed to vaccine and mask mandates in schools, celebrated the ruling by Judge Mitchell Beckloff.

Arie Spangler, a legal representative for the plaintiff said

“Judge Beckloff’s ruling confirms that individual school districts do not have the authority to impose local vaccination requirements in excess of statewide requirements. We are very pleased with the ruling, as it ensures that no child will be forced out of the classroom due to their COVID-19 vaccination status.”

The ruling did not address the school district’s vaccine mandate for district employees, which remains in force. All on-campus school employees within the L.A. Unified School District are fully vaccinated; staffers who refused the COVID vaccine were either fired or received an exemption and an alternate assignment away from school campuses.

This is an issue that will increasingly affect children in public schools across the country in the years to come.


Time now for our Worldview Report nightly commentary.

Five Texas counties have now declared the border crisis to be an “invasion” that they will do everything in their power to stop, with or without the assistance of the state or federal governments.

Governor Greg Abbott talks a good game but has done very little to shut down the flow of illegals into his state. And we know the Biden administration not only refuses to shut down the illegal border crossings but actively encourages them.

One America News Network caught up with Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb and asked him about what’s happening down in these Texas border counties and whether it could spread to Arizona, with local sheriffs taking matters into their own hands.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:23 mark to 1:15 mark)


Illegal. What is it about the word illegal, and all the pain associated with it in terms of human trafficking and drugs being smuggled into our communities, that Democrats don’t seem to understand? And by the way, RINO Republicans don’t have a firm grip on it either. Why? Because they choose not to understand. They’re too busy benefitting, directly or indirectly, from the operations of the smuggling cartels.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for joining us and making this one of the fastest growing nightly news round-up broadcasts on television. Take care and God bless America.


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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network