Dr. Randy White: Octobe 29, 2012

Dr. Randy White: Octobe 29, 2012


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Is the Resurrection Real?

Have you ever watched an interview on TV in which the person being interviewed shares very important information. He explains the situation, educates you on the facts of the situation, and shares his valid solutions and/or actions that will be taken. When the interview is over, you feel informed and confident that the issued is being handled in your best interest. Then, the news commentators comes on to tell you “what the person r-e-a-l-l-y said.” Depending on the “commentator’s” personal or political feelings toward the person who just spoke, the message will be spun with strong support—or twisted and turned until it is so corrupt that your mind is negatively affected, and you are easily swayed to believe the “commentator’s” viewpoint.

Today Dr. White passionately objects to elite college professors using their influence to sway the minds of young college students, and older adults as well. Why is he so passionate? Because, he so desires that we turn to the pure “Word of God,” and search the scripture for the Truth. Don’t hang your eternal security on what “others” think and feel. If you are blessed to be persuaded by the “others” who hold the truth, you are very blessed—but if you are persuaded by the “others” who deny the truth, you are forever lost.

Scriptures Referenced: Mark 16: 1-7, Luke 1:1-5

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