
  • Brannon Howse: January 22, 2021

    Topic: Fighting Antisemitism, Iran Will Increases Terrorists Attacks And The Right and Left Conflict Sets The Stage For Compromise. Topic: Within the first 24 hours of Joe Biden being in the White House, two terrorists bombings kill at least 35 in Iraq. Why are we likely to an increase in terrorist attacks and why is Iran likely to be behind many of them? Topic: The Jerusalem Post and many jewish news outlets are reporting on the numerous Jews Joe Biden is appointing to some of the most high profile and powerful posts in his administration. Brannon warns that many Islamic nations, and sadly many so-called conservatives and so-called Christians will use this information to push antisemitism. Topic: How will the mostly right leaning politics of President Trump conflicting with the Marxist policies of Joe Biden set the stage for globalism? Topic: We take your calls.