
  • Crosstalk: February 2, 2022

    Many times we look at issues from a broad perspective, but today we’re going to discuss matters that impact us as individuals. Have you ever wondered, “Why me, Lord? Why am I going through this trial? Why am I having to endure this struggle? Are you there? Do you know what I’m going through? Are you listening? I go to church and do my devotions, this shouldn’t happen to me.” Have you ever felt like that? Why do we suffer? Why do we go through difficult times?

  • Crosstalk: February 2, 2022

    Many times we look at issues from a broad perspective, but today we’re going to discuss matters that impact us as individuals. Have you ever wondered, “Why me, Lord? Why am I going through this trial? Why am I having to endure this struggle? Are you there? Do you know what I’m going through? Are you listening? I go to church and do my devotions, this shouldn’t happen to me.” Have you ever felt like that? Why do we suffer? Why do we go through difficult times?

  • Why is There Death and Suffering in the World?

    World Background
    Why is There Death and Suffering in the World? As we see hundreds of thousands of illegal people coming across our border, and drug cartels pushing drugs across our border, you may wonder, what is going on?  As we see crime soaring out of control and calling for police and law enforcement agencies to be “de-funded”, you may wonder, what is going on?  As you learn of racial hatred actually being taught in schools in America, you may wonder, what is going on?  The increasing push of some toward Marxist Communism by so-called progressives may cause you to wonder and ask, what is going on?  We see the beginning of the answer in Genesis 3:1-4 quoted above.