The FBI Has Been Working With Big Tech to Censor Groundbreaking Stories: December 18, 2022

The FBI Has Been Working With Big Tech to Censor Groundbreaking Stories: December 18, 2022

INTRO: More information tonight on just how closely the FBI works with the major social media companies operated by Big Tech to suppress news and information they don’t want you, the American people, to know about.

Justin Trudeau’s unilateral effort to disarm law-abiding Canadians isn’t going quite as smoothly as he had hoped.

More backlash for Balenciaga, spilling into cities around the world.

New Zealand cracks down on the unvaccinated.

Edward Dowd on the alarming numbers of excess deaths among millennials.

A number of Virginia homeowners get their electricity cut off when they refuse to install smart meters on their houses.

And Joe Biden shuts down a key mining project in Alaska with the total acquiescence of Senator Lisa Murkowski.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse.

Starting us off tonight, the FBI worked hand in glove with the Big Tech social media platforms to kill the Hunter laptop story before the 2020 election.   

The Gateway Pundit previously reported in May that the Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration, including Joe Biden himself, Anthony Fauci, the Department of Homeland Security and nearly a dozen federal agencies and the secretaries that head them up.

The suit alleges a massive coordinated effort by the Deep State, the permanent administrative state, to work with Big Tech to censor and manipulate Americans – from average citizens to news outlets – on issues including the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell, 2020 Election Integrity, COVID-19 origin and extent skepticism, and COVID-19 vaccine skepticism, among other issues.

Last week the attorneys general interviewed FBI agent Elvis Chan. This interview showed that the FBI is totally corrupt and one-sided. According to the Gateway Pundit findings, it “runs cover for crooked politicians and puts good people who shine the light on their crimes behind bars.” 

Attorney General and soon-to-be U.S. Senator from Missouri, Eric Schmitt, shared in the deposition.

SHOW TWEET from Eric Schmitt

Elvis Chan revealed that “we found that the FBI plays a big role in working with social media companies to censor speech – from weekly meetings with social media companies ahead of the 2020 election to asks for account takedowns.”

Chan also revealed that “the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF) and senior CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) officials had meetings with social media companies in the lead-up to the 2020 election.” The full extent of these meetings has not been revealed.

It’s time to end this cloak of deception where people think the social media platforms operate as private companies independently of the government. The FBI is Facebook/Twitter/Google and Facebook/Twitter/Google is the FBI. Period. Full stop.

And whether Elon Musk is seriously detaching Twitter from the corrupt U.S. intelligence agencies remains to be seen, especially given the fact that much of the money he used to buy Twitter came from China.


Breitbart News reports that Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and other provinces are refusing to take part in implementing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s gun grab.

On September 28, 2022, Breitbart News reported that Trudeau’s “assault weapons” ban includes confiscatory policies that required police cooperation, and that Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro made clear he would not enforce it.

Shandro also noted he had “plans to seek intervener status” in legal challenges to have the ban declared unconstitutional.

The Washington Post observed that Alberta is not alone. New Brunswick and Saskatchewan are not cooperating to implement the confiscatory policies either, and Manitoba is also refusing.

In late September the Counter Signal pointed out that Manitoba Minister of Justice Kelvin Goertzen had numerous concerns, one of which was that police resources would be used to target lawful gun owners.

Goertzen said, “In Manitoba’s view, any buyback program cannot further erode precious provincial police resources, already suffering from large vacancy rates, from focusing on investigation of violent crime.”

When Trudeau put the “assault weapons” ban forward in 2020, Breitbart News reported that it included numerous bolt-action rifles. (Firearms which the left labels “assault weapons” are typically semi-automatic firearms which accept detachable magazines and have certain cosmetic features, such as a collapsible stock and/or a heat shield or threaded barrel.)

The National Post published a list of the 1,500 firearms prohibited by Trudeau’s  ban. That list includes the Barrett M99, which is a single shot bolt-action rifle designed for long range shooting. His ban also includes the SIG 50, the Bluegrass Armory VIPER XL50 BMG, the Odessa Patriot 50, the Mitchells Mausers M93 Black Arrow Target, and numerous other bolt-action firearms. 


The Daily Wire reports that demonstrators gathered outside Balenciaga boutiques and retailers in several cities on Saturday to protest the fashion brand’s demonic advertising campaign featuring children holding teddy bears dressed as sex slaves.

The protests occurred in 20 cities — including New York, Beverly Hills, London, and Nashville, Tennessee.

Those participating slammed the demented corporation for promoting the sexual exploitation of children, according to organizers. Mom Army, in association with groups such as Dad Army, Freedom Forever, and Gays Against Groomers, planned the demonstrations outside Balenciaga flagship stores and other high-end retailers that carry the brand.

Lucy Riles, an organizer with Mom Army, told The Daily Wire at the Nashville protest:

“We are mothers, we are consumers, and we are taking a stand: Stop putting profit over our children.” 

She said she was “fed up with the sexualization, exploitation, indoctrination, child mutilation, and all these agendas that are happening right now in this country and the climate.”

The French fashion brand, which is worn proudly by celebrities like Kim Kardashian, came under fire when its website displayed images in November featuring its “Toy Stories” campaign.

The campaign showed child models posing with the brand’s teddy bear handbags, with the bears dressed in BDSM-themed gear from its Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2023 collection. Such images contained children holding plush toys dressed in the gear, including fishnet tops, studded leather harnesses, and collars with locks.

Balenciaga has acknowledged the ongoing scandal, saying it could have “done things differently.” The company says it “strongly condemns child abuse; it was never our intent to include it in our narrative” and that it was taking steps to prevent something similar from happening again.

That’s code for, they are taking steps to make sure they don’t get caught again.


New Zealand’s health service has requested the court take guardianship of a 4-month-old infant from his parents after they insisted on using only “unvaccinated blood” for his surgery.

According to court documents obtained by the New Zealand Herald, Health New Zealand, also known as Te Whatu Ora, filed an application with the Auckland High Court on Monday to transfer guardianship under the Care of Children Act so that the baby can undergo surgery.

The parents said in an interview with Liz Gunn, a broadcaster from New Zealand, that their baby, Will, has severe pulmonary valve stenosis and requires surgery “very immediately,” but they are “particularly concerned with the blood the doctors are going to use.

“We don’t want blood that is tainted by vaccination,” the father said. “That’s the end of the deal – we are fine with anything else these doctors want to do.”


There you go. Free up the unjabbed blood. This is becoming an issue worldwide. According to The New Zealand Herald, there were reportedly 20 potential unvaccinated blood donors who were willing to donate but the New Zealand authorities did not approve this.


Equity investment executive Ed Dowd appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast recently to discuss excess mortality in the post-Operation Warp Speed age. One of the things he revealed is that deaths among 25-to-44-year-olds increased another 36 percent in August – and this is on top of an 84 percent increase during the final four months of 2021.

Natural News reports that back in March, Dowd released a report highlighting steady increases in excess death rates ever since the Covid “vaccines” were released on December 14, 2020.

Dowd told Bannon:

“This is the biggest crime I’ve seen in the history of my career. And it’s the greatest asymmetric information gap I’ve ever seen – meaning we on the War Room know it. You know it. Lots of people know it. Some of the lawmakers I talk to know it. But 90% of the globe has no idea what just happened to them.”


Natural News further reports that 40 percent more people than usual are dying all around the world since the Covid shots were unleashed and the concerted effort to continue the shots in light of this data goes beyond the mere “criminal negligence” and cover-up described by Dowd.

Ethan Huff, writing for Natural News, puts it this way:

“Not everyone agrees with the soft approach that Dowd is taking, particularly as it pertains to his use of the term ‘criminal negligence,’ which implies a lesser degree of foul play than what actually appears to have occurred. ‘No, not criminal negligence,’ wrote a commenter in response to Dowd’s interview. ‘It is absolutely first-degree murder with attempted coverup. You don’t get criminal negligence with willful poisoning designed to specifically depopulate and go all out to silence people and keep them in the dark.”


We do have some potential good news to report tonight on the sinister effort to vaccinate everything that moves.

During an appearance on this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Congressman Kevin McCarthy, who wants to be the next Speaker of the House, insisted the next National Defense Authorization Act would remove the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for military personnel.

The California Republican told host Maria Bartiromo that the legislation would stall if the vaccine requirement is not eliminated. He also said he had confronted Joe Biden on the mandate, suggesting there was an opportunity for compromise.

Bartiromo asked McCarthy:

“So, just to be clear, you’re saying, in the NDAA, which will drop next week, the vaccine mandate for the military will be lifted?”

McCarthy replied that “Yes, it will. Otherwise, the bill will not move. I have been very clear with the president.”

Take a look at a clip from that interview.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 1:24 mark to 2:36 mark)

Not sure what type of “compromises” McCarthy has in mind there, but it looks like perhaps there could be some movement in the right direction on these outrageous mandates of a medical treatment that’s never even been fully licensed by the FDA. That’s right, these jabs are still being given as an experimental treatment under emergency use authorization only. Few Americans realize that, to this day, they’re being experimented on without their full informed consent.


Leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday, Dominion Energy Virginia threatened to disconnect electricity to scores of homes and actually did disconnect at least half a dozen homes if the owners did not agree to accept a “smart” meter on their house.

Blacklisted News reports that according to Virginians for Safe Technology, based in Fredericksburg, the households are located in seven counties, including Petersburg, Fauquier, Prince William, Fluvanna, Albemarle, Henrico and Spotsylvania counties. Customers swapped out their “smart” meters for analog meters, and now are left without electricity.

Jenny DeMarco, communications director for Virginians for Safe Technology, said in a press release:

“Dominion has crossed a line. When families taking reasonable steps to protect themselves and their children have their power cut off in the middle of November, local police and sheriff’s departments are escorting the corporation doing so, and the government and regulatory agencies stand idly by, that’s a pretty strong signal that our system is broken.”

It's not only broken, it’s been hijacked.

Milton Williams posted a video on YouTube on November 8 showing letters from Dominion threatening to shut off electricity if he did not install the smart meter in his home. Electricity was shut off November 10, and remains off.

Here is Williams talking about his predicament.


According to the press release, the Virginia State Corporation Commission approved the statewide installation of smart meters in January 2022, as part of the Grid Transformation Plan.

Children are the most vulnerable to the radiation exposure, because their bodies are still developing and growing. Symptoms include headaches, persistent nosebleeds, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, sleep disruption, ADHD symptoms, weakened immune system and abnormal brain development.


A large mining project has been in the works in Alaska for years. It would bring billions in revenues to the state and the country. But the Biden administration and Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski are shutting the operation down before it gets started.

The Daily Caller reports:

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended prohibiting the operators of Southwestern Alaska’s Pebble Mine from disposing of waste material in the nearby Bristol Bay, a regulation that would prevent the mine from opening. However, the mine could generate billions in revenue by producing minerals that are crucial in supporting the Biden administration’s ‘clean energy transition.’ The EPA said Pebble Mine’s potential waste discharges would threaten nearby sockeye salmon fisheries by polluting the water and preventing the fish from spawning and reproducing, according to an agency proposal released Thursday. Despite this, the mine would extract about 1.5 billion tons of copper, molybdenum as well as other critical minerals and could deliver more than $8 billion to Southwestern Alaska, according to a report published by Northern Dynasty Minerals, the mine’s owner.”

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Jason Brune told the Daily Caller:

“This isn’t just about Pebble … the precedent this is setting is frightening and will be used going forward by those wanting to stop projects and will send an absolutely chilling message to the investment world about opportunities in the U.S.”

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in its final environmental impact statement published in July 2020, found that Pebble Mine “would not be expected to have a measurable effect on fish numbers and result in long-term changes to the health of the commercial fisheries in Bristol Bay.”

Alaska’s elections were recently manipulated and conservative candidates were beaten by the globalist Republican Murkowski and a far-left Democrat. 

Murkowski is opposed to the mine and therefore hundreds of well-paying jobs and billions in revenues to her state.


In our commentary tonight, we take a look at the work of Todd Bensman and his groundbreaking work at the U.S. Mexico border.

Located two blocks from the border wall, Mexico’s first Muslim immigrant shelter caters to people from the Islamic world seeking to cross into the United States, legally or illegally. Sponsored by the San Diego Latina Foundation, the mosque/shelter welcomes migrants from countries where many of the world’s top terrorist groups operate, meaning the migrants are “special interest aliens” in government jargon, which should trigger counterterrorism interest.

In a new video, the Center for Immigration Studies’ senior national security fellow, Todd Bensman, visits the shelter and interviews the staff and the migrants.

Here is his condensed 4-minute report on what he found.


Those are some troubling national security implications uncovered there by the intrepid Todd Bensman.

Bensman, whom I’ve interviewed many times on my show Brannon Howse Live, says the shelter's own management “appears to be more interested in counterterrorism than either the American or Mexican governments. The governments’ disinterest is puzzling, especially considering that we have record numbers of special interest aliens on the FBI’s terror watch list being caught at the border.”

I guess it’s only puzzling if you still believe the executive branch of the federal government is legitimately in the business of safeguarding the interests of the American people. We at the Worldview Report are no longer under such delusions.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in and for supporting us in our efforts to bring unfiltered, uncensored news to you, the American people and beyond.

Until next time, good night and God bless. And may God save America!


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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network