Schumer Complaining About Workforce Shortage But Supports Abortion: December 18, 2022

Schumer Complaining About Workforce Shortage But Supports Abortion: December 18, 2022

INTRO: The government is throwing $1 million in federal grant money to agencies and private organizations to study how “misinformation” on social media impacts the confidence Americans have in the vaccine industry.

The FDA has given its rubber stamp of approval for a company to sell lab-grown meat, and the fake meat will arrive in grocery stores by next year.

Senator Chuck Schumer is openly calling for Americans to be replaced by illegal migrants. He says the migrants are needed to sustain our economy because Americans aren’t reproducing “like we used to.”

Mitch McConnell says he’s ready to start compromising with the Biden administration on key legislation.

And the U.S. Federal Reserve is asking employers not to give their workers anymore raises.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse.

Leading us off tonight, the Biden administration is handing out $1 million in taxpayer dollars for a grant to research  how “vaccine misinformation” found on social media can affect people’s confidence in Covid shots. 

The Department of Health and Human Services established a grant, “Developing a Public Health Tool to Predict the Virality of Vaccine Misinformation Narratives.”

The grant money will be handed out next year to a government agency or private groups. The recipient will apparently use the $1 million to develop a forecasting model to identify potential “misinformation on vaccines” on social media and how it will affect people’s trust in the experimental injections. 

A grant description on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website states, “The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity is to support research to develop a predictive forecasting model that identifies new or reemerging misinformation narratives that are likely to disseminate widely and have a high potential for impact on vaccine confidence. The information from this model will then be used to develop a tool that public health agencies could use to predict misinformation trends in the populations served. The researchers will evaluate the tool’s predictive capabilities on both future social media misinformation narratives and real-world events.” 

However, the CDC has not explained how the model will determine what constitutes misinformation. 

Given the lack of clarity, we should assume that any information that is in any way critical, no matter how factual, will be considered misinformation, simply because it refutes the government’s lies, the media’s lies and the pharmaceutical companies’ lies. Any information shedding light on pertinent facts that the government, media and pharma have remained silent on will also be considered misinformation.

The CDC recently admitted that it withheld critical COVID-19 data from the public because the agency thought it would be misinterpreted and cause “vaccine hesitancy” since it weakens the case for booster shots in certain demographics. 

Apparently, the CDC has been collecting detailed data on COVID-19 infections in the United States and organized it by age, race and vaccination status. However, the agency withheld detailed information from the public about breakthrough cases, hospitalizations and deaths, which it has been collecting since the beginning of the Covid shot rollout in 2021.

Led by director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC only recently published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65. However, it did not share the information on those aged 18-49, which is the least likely group to benefit from a booster injection. It has also failed to provide information on child hospitalizations.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Government agencies like the CDC seem to be more interested in censoring the truth and critical safety data about Covid shots than in messaging the science. This is certainly not serving the public health by causing harm to innocent people. Medical professionals have been censored for questioning the safety and efficacy of the shots or for providing effective therapeutics to treat the virus.” 


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has for the first time ever granted safety clearance to lab-grown meat made from cultured animal cells. 

Fox News reports that the agency announced Upside Foods, a company that uses cultured chicken cell technology to grow meat in a lab, may begin selling its product after its facilities are inspected by the USDA. 

On Wednesday, November 16, the FDA released a statement noting that it had “evaluated the information submitted to the agency and has no further questions at this time about the firm's safety conclusion.”

No further questions. Just take the company’s word for it that its product is safe. That’s essentially the same thing the FDA has done with the experimental vaccines. Just throw them onto the population and see how it works out.

Upside Foods expressed satisfaction with the rubber stamp in a company statement, which read:

“Today we are one step closer to your dining tables as Upside Foods becomes the first company in the world to receive the USFDA greenlight – that means the FDA has evaluated our production process and accepts our conclusion that our cultivated chicken is safe to eat.”

Animal rights advocates, including groups such as PETA, hope that cultured meat will lead to a reduction in animal consumption and slaughter as well as aid climate change. 

But we all know this has nothing to do with animal rights. It has everything to do with applying the U.N./World Economic Forum agenda of sustainable development, an anti-human climate-change agenda that seeks to vastly depopulate the world, eliminating billions of humans and animals, which are seen as emitters of CO2, an essential element, without which life on Earth, for both plants and animals, becomes increasingly precarious.

The FDA has not officially approved the technology during the pre-market consultation as the clearance only covers food developed with the company's cultured chicken cells. However, the announcement means that the food is one step closer to being available to Americans in grocery stores across the country. 

The FDA also noted that it is willing to work with other companies and firms seeking to develop cultured animal cell food for consumers. 


Senator Chuck Schumer is whining and complaining about widespread workforce shortages, saying American families are not “reproducing” enough young workers to fill jobs that our economy needs in order to thrive.

Take a look at Schumer’s comments Wednesday at a press conference in Washington, D.C.


But the New York Democrat’s solution is not to encourage more mothers and fathers to choose life and raise a family.

No, Schumer would never discourage abortions, the more the merrier. He celebrates abortion at every opportunity.

And yet he has the gall to bemoan the lack of workers, seeking to replace Americans in the workforce with illegal aliens.

According to, the abortion industry, which by the way has financed Schumer’s entire political career, has taken more than 63 million unborn children’s lives in the past 50 years.

So what is Schumer’s answer to the birth dearth?

He can’t make an argument for bigger families because he would be going against the hand that feeds his political machine, which includes Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Rights Action League and others who are in the business of killing babies.

Instead, he wants to grant citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants, according to the Tampa Free Press.

Schumer went on to attack pro-life Republican lawmakers as nasty and immoral, saying, “Latino voters and most Americans understand the stark difference between our values and those of Republican candidates,” and “BS spread by these right-wing people” is “nastiness,” according to the report.

What are those sacred values that Schumer alludes to and suggests are in contrast to the “nasty” and “immoral” values of pro-lifers?

LifeNews reports that Schumer and other party leaders want to pass a radical pro-abortion bill that would force states to legalize abortions for basically any reason up to birth again and force taxpayers to pay for them.

There is no denying the fact that abortion destroys hundreds of thousands of unborn babies’ lives every year – children who otherwise would have grown up to become valuable contributors to society.

A report earlier this year by the U.S. Congressional Joint Economic Committee Republicans found that abortions cause catastrophic economic loss, including approximately $6.9 trillion in 2019 alone.

Due to declining birth rates, a 2020 study in The Lancet predicted a “jaw-dropping” global population crash by the end of the century that will force the world to “reorganize societies.”

The global fertility rate is about half of what it was in 1950. According to the report, women had an average of 4.7 children in 1950, compared to a 2.4 average in 2017. By 2100, the researchers predicted it will fall below 1.7.

If this continues, it’s more than the economy that will suffer. Humanity itself will become an endangered species.


Now, about that energy crisis in Europe that we reported on in our previous Worldview Report newscast.

We addressed the physical element, that people could be in for a long cold winter.

But what about the financial side?

As economist Patrick Wood points out at his website,, Germans depend on cash and cash banking machines to get it into their pockets, adding:

“During an energy blackout, the bank machines don’t work. Now, put two and two together here and figure out just how dangerous and outright destructive climate alarmist energy policies are. Germany could literally be reduced to a ‘Mad Max’ movie scenario within a few days.”

As Reuters reports citing four sources, German authorities have stepped up preparations for emergency cash deliveries in case of a blackout (or rather blackouts) to keep the economy running, as the nation braces for possible power cuts arising from the war in Ukraine. The plans include the Bundesbank hoarding extra billions to cope with a surge in demand, as well as possible limits on withdrawals. And if you think crypto investors are angry when they can’t access their digital tokens in a bankrupt exchange, just wait until you see a German whose cash has just been locked out.

Wood’s advice would apply to all of us – don’t put all your eggs in one basket, meaning your bank.


In other news, the Federal Reserve is warning employers against giving workers raises.

According to a new report in the Daily Mail, Christopher Waller, one of the six members of the board, told the annual Economic Forecast Luncheon to quit giving workers raises, saying that it was “pushing up inflation."

Waller added:

“Wage growth has been a contributing factor to inflation, especially in the service sector, so it is important to get the labor market into better balance to bring future wage growth down to a more sustainable level that will assist in moving overall inflation lower.”

The Biden administration drove up inflation by spending tax dollars as if they grow on trees, sent billions to Ukraine, spent recklessly on green-new deal subsidies, and on the massive influx of illegal aliens. And now the Fed says Americans shouldn’t get raises, leaving them unable to afford the wildly higher food and fuel prices. Sounds like a recipe for social unrest if ever there was one.

Waller, by the way, gets paid in excess of $183,000 for being on the board, according to the Federal Reserve.


North Korea is firing off more missiles and warnings to the U.S.

South Korea’s government claimed a ballistic missile that landed in waters off the Korean peninsula was fired by North Korea.

The short-range ballistic missile was fired from North Korea’s eastern coastal Wonsan area at 10:48 a.m., local time on November 17, the country’s Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed. The missile was launched hours after North Korean officials threatened “fiercer” military reaction to what they called provocation by the U.S., South Korea and Japan.

Fox News further reported that hours before Thursday’s launch, North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hue warned the recent U.S.-South Korea-Japan summit would disrupt tensions on the Korean Peninsula and leave them “more unpredictable.”

Choe stated that:

“The keener the U.S. is on the ‘bolstered offer of extended deterrence’ to its allies and the more they intensify provocative and bluffing military activities on the Korean Peninsula and in the region, the fiercer (North Korea’s) military counteraction will be, in direct proportion to it.  It will pose a more serious, realistic and inevitable threat to the U.S. and its vassal forces. The U.S. will be well aware that it is gambling for which it will certainly regret.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Well, the new Congress isn’t even seated yet and Mitch McConnell is already talking about brokering “compromises” with the Biden administration.

Instead of fighting the tyranny coming down from the White House, McConnell thinks it’s a good idea to compromise with it.

Take a look.


Nick Arama had a prescient column about this posted at Red State.

Arama writes:

“But why are you talking about compromising at all, especially when you have the House? That’s the wrong position to take. That compromise on infrastructure gave the Democrats a win and may have made inflation worse. While we need attention to infrastructure, it also involved all kinds of things to which we shouldn’t have been agreeing, including billions for climate change. How about pushing our agenda, not just waiting to see what you can tolerate that the Democrats might propose? And make it just about clear things that aren’t hooking on all the Democrats’ secret agenda items in the process.”

And what was McConnell’s take on the Republicans not winning more seats in the midterms? It sounded like he was reading Democrat talking points. Take a look.


Chaos and negativity, Mitch? Arguing for the rights of women to abort their babies right up to birth, opening the borders to drugs and human trafficking, giving away billions to Ukraine and trying to mandate an experimental vaccine on military and civilian workers. These weren’t at all chaotic, frightening policies? No, not scary at all Mitch. Unbelievable that this man is still in Washington, let alone in a leadership position. He has no ability to communicate and articulate the conservative agenda and yet Republicans can never seem to replace him with a fresh face. Stunning.


In the second part of our commentary, we look at the other side of the coin, a congressman who at least seems eager and willing to represent conservative American views in D.C.

Remember how the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed in the days leading up to the 2020 presidential election? Any mention of it got you labeled a conspiracy theorist by the deep state’s lapdog media. They said it was pure baloney ginned up by specialists in Russian disinformation. That was a deliberate lie that the entire mainstream corporate media agreed to tell in order to help get Joe Biden elected.

In recent months, however, the Washington Post, CNN, Politico and New York Times have offered new narratives that directly contradict the earlier narrative.

Congressman Jim Jordan went off on them during a November 17 press conference. Take a look.


Those are all good questions.

Let’s hope we get some serious hearings where all of this is aired out in public. Because it wasn’t just the media that was culpable. It was the entire U.S. intelligence community, which begs the question: Why are the U.S. intelligence agencies taking sides in presidential elections and trying to influence the outcomes? If the Democrats were really concerned about the “danger to our democracy,” like they love tell us over and over, they would want to see Brennan and Clapper and Wray on the witness stand answering some of these hard questions.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and for sharing and supporting this broadcast.

Until next time, good night and God bless. And may God save America!


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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network