Tensions Are Rising Between The U.S. and China

Tensions Are Rising Between The U.S. and China


  • New tensions with China as the Chinese foreign minister takes off the gloves and unleashes a serious warning to Joe Biden’s deep-state regime.
  • 19 attorneys general from red states warn Walmart, Kroger, Costco and other big box stores not to ship abortion pills through the mail.
  • A Wisconsin congressman is taking the lead in demanding that any pandemic treaty negotiated by the Biden regime must be ratified by the U.S. Senate, something the regime is trying to avoid at all costs.
  • Tennessee becomes the latest state to tell drag queens that their kids are off limits to their perverted style of entertainment.
  • An Arizona rancher charged with murder for shooting at a group of illegal aliens he says were armed with AK-47s, has his first appearance in court.
  • A Southern Poverty Law Center attorney gets arrested for taking part in a violent outburst in the streets of Atlanta.
  • And an arm of the U.S. government is gearing up to conduct internet propaganda and deception campaigns online using deepfake videos.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. 

Tensions are rising not only between the U.S. and Russia but also between the U.S. and China, a country much more deeply embedded in the U.S. economic and social fabric.

On Tuesday, March 7, those tensions were taken up a notch when Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang warned that Beijing and Washington are headed for “conflict and confrontation” if the U.S. doesn’t change course, according to an Associated Press report.

In his first news conference since taking office late last year, the foreign minister’s harsh language appeared to defy predictions that China might abandon its aggressive “wolf warrior” diplomacy in favor of more moderate rhetoric as the two countries face off over trade and technology, Taiwan, human rights and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Washington’s China policy has “entirely deviated from the rational and sound track,” Qin told journalists on the sidelines of the annual meeting of China’s rubber-stamp legislature, when leaders lay out their economic and political priorities for the coming year.


Nineteen attorneys general warned a group of pharmaceutical retailers of legal ramifications should they decide to mail abortion pills.

According to an article at World Net Daily, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, along with 18 other attorneys general, sent a letter to retailers including Walmart, Kroger and Costco encouraging them not to send abortion pills through the mail. 

The letter states:

“We write to advise you of why the FDA’s invitation is unlawful and risky and to urge you to continue rejecting it. You may not yet be aware that federal law expressly prohibits using the mail to send or receive any drug that will ‘be used or applied for producing abortion.’”

The letter further states that “although many people are unfamiliar with this statute because it has not been amended in a few decades, the text could not be clearer.”

Anyone who, according to the law, “knowingly takes any such thing from the mails for the purpose of circulating is guilty of a federal crime.”

In addition to Missouri, the letter was signed by AGs from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

similar letter was sent last month to CVS and Walgreens pharmacies, pointing out that distributing the abortion pill through the mail violates federal and state laws. Currently, 19 states have restrictions on abortion pill distribution.


At around 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 5, Atlanta police said a group of violent agitators used the cover of a neighborhood music festival and peaceful protest to coordinate an attack on construction equipment and police officers at a proposed Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.  

“This is not a protest,” Atlanta PD officials said at a press conference Sunday night, adding: “This wasn’t about a public training center; this was about anarchy.”

The next day, on March 6, Atlanta PD announced 23 people were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism, including Thomas Jurgens of Georgia who is a staff attorney for the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center.

The SPLC has long been known as an extremist group of radical leftists operating under the auspices of “combatting hate groups.” The arrest of an SPLC activist lawyer on domestic terrorism charges affirms the radicalization of the group itself.  

Here is a local news report from Atlanta’s WSB-TV.



Notice the attempt by the local media to try to say the protest started off as peaceful. These thugs had zero intentions of ever being peaceful. That literally looked like a war zone on that street, with over 100 Antifa attacking police, the type of violence that we’re seeing more and more of in Joe Biden’s America.


Breitbart reports that Congressman Tom Tiffany, Republican of Wisconsin, introduced a bill on March 6th that would ensure the White House must recognize any World Health Organization binding international instrument on pandemics as a treaty, thus requiring Senate approval.

The Biden regime is currently leading negotiations as part of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) on drafting a “pandemic accord” which would have the authority to enforce international legal responsibilities on its members in response to any future “health emergency.”

During a negotiation session last week, Biden envoy Pamela Hamamoto insisted that the White House was “committed to the Pandemic Accord” as an enduring binding instrument “for generations to come.”



The negotiations are preliminary, but a draft agreement exists. The state members of the negotiating body have not yet agreed on the exact language of the treaty, which the Biden administration is being ever so careful to refer to as an “accord,” or an “instrument” or an “agreement,” anything but a treaty. 

Because if it’s a treaty, it will require a two-thirds approval vote of the U.S. Senate. 

As per the American Constitution, treaties – binding agreements with foreign states – have the maximum legal authority in the United States, described in the document as “the supreme Law of the Land.” 

To prevent Biden from attempting to avoid Senate consent by referring to a future W.H.O. pandemic accord as something other than a treaty, Congressman Tiffany’s bill would mandate that any such document be recognized as a treaty.


Republican Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee signed into law last week a ban on sexually explicit drag shows and transgender surgeries and drugs for minors under the age of 18. 

LifeSite News reports that the two bills, SB 1 and SB 3, were signed on March 2, amid growing concerns of parents in the Volunteer State over the sexualizing of children through the obscenities of drag queen events and performances targeting innocent minors in schools and public libraries, as well as the irreversible mutilation of body parts and the chemical castration involved in “trans” surgeries and puberty blockers. The laws go into effect July 1.  

The law against drag shows for minors, SB 3, prohibits the exposure of minors to all “adult cabaret entertainment.” The law adds additional language to an existing law creating a 1,000-foot buffer zone between all such performances and public property, schools, public parks, and places of worship where minors could potentially watch them. A first offense will constitute a misdemeanor, while subsequent violations will carry felony charges. 

The measure banning drag shows for minors had passed the Tennessee House with overwhelming support in a 74-19 vote in late February. 

Tennessee Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, who introduced the bill together with Rep. Chris Todd, said, “This bill gives confidence to parents that they can take their kids to a public or private show and will not be blindsided by a sexualized performance.”  



Johnson added, “I believe we have a duty to protect our kids. I’m proud to be a proven and committed defender of all children across Tennessee.” 


Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly was arraigned on lesser charges in court on Monday for shooting a Mexican national on his property on January 30, according to reports.

Kelly, 73, was originally charged with first-degree murder in relation to the shooting.

Kelly has said that he fired warning shots at the migrant and never shot directly at him or any of the armed group of suspected smugglers on his property.

On March 6, according to a Fox News report, Kelly was back in court to be arraigned on second-degree murder and aggravated assault, to which he pleaded not guilty, CBS affiliate KOLD reported.

Judge Thomas Fink, who oversaw the hearing, set trial for September 6.

The news station said attorney Brenna Larkin, who is representing Kelly, requested a 60-day continuance to allow the defense time to conduct its own investigation with experts of their choosing, as well as time to obtain and review a search warrant of Kelly’s home.

Kelly posted a $1 million bond on February 22 after a court appearance in which Judge Emilio Velasquez upheld the bond and converted it from cash to surety.

The money was collected through a Christian crowdsourcing site, GiveSendGo, after GoFundMe booted all campaigns for the rancher from its site.

During the bond hearing, Larkin blasted prosecutors for charging Kelly with first-degree premeditated murder before a thorough investigation could be completed.

Prosecutors maintain Kelly shot an “unarmed” man in the back “in an unprovoked attack as he ran for his life” more than 100 yards from Kelly’s home, which he has shared with his wife for decades.

Larkin, though, contends her client only fired “warning shots” in the air earlier that day after spotting a group of men armed with AK-47 rifles moving through trees by his home on the ranch.


A mother of two children who were given Covid vaccines without her consent is suing the doctor who administered the vaccines.

According to an article in The Defender, an attorney representing NaTonya McNeil filed a lawsuit last week in Superior Court for the District of Columbia against Dr. Janine Rethy, M.D.

According to the complaint, on September 2, 2022, McNeil took her two older children, ages 15 and 17, to the KIDS Mobile Medical Clinic/Ronald McDonald Care Mobile clinic, operated by Georgetown Hospital, to complete their required annual physical exam for the 2022-2023 school year.

The lawsuit alleges Dr. Rethy, director of the mobile clinic, held the children in the examination room longer than necessary for a regular check-up and vaccinated them over their objections and without consulting their mother.

In order to attempt to obtain the children’s consent — which they are not legally able to provide without a parent or guardian — the doctor lied to the children and told them that the Covid vaccine was mandatory for school attendance and that they could not lawfully decline it if they wanted to attend school, The Defender reports.

The lawsuit, filed by D.C. Attorney Matthew Hardin, seeks damages for false imprisonment, battery and fraud.

Children’s Health Defense is financing the lawsuit because, according to CHD President and General Counsel Mary Holland, “CHD couldn’t just sit still and allow this wrong to go unpunished and not bring this to the public’s attention.”

In an exclusive conversation with The Defender, McNeil explained why she is suing the doctor. She said:

“I just feel like people shouldn’t be able to do whatever they want to do to other people and especially not to children. As a mother, I feel like, ‘You all just took all my rights away from me to do what you wanted to do to my kids.’

“I do want justice to be done in this case. I feel like something needs to be done. This can’t just continue to happen. I feel violated.”

According to the complaint, Dr. Rethy’s publicly stated goal is to vaccinate all children with the experimental mRNA Covid injections. The complaint quotes her statement to the press:

“Our goal is to increase vaccination rates in children here in D.C. . . . For more than 30 years our role has been to be in the community to help address the problem of health disparities, bringing families care where they are.

“For this particular effort, we are glad to be partnering with DC Health to provide both regular childhood vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines to all children.”


Cities across Europe, from Barcelona to London to Brussels, have embarked on what has been called a “transportation revolution” where they use the color of law to ban vehicles from more and more areas of the city, while at the same time catering to the needs of walkers and bicyclists. 

According to Yahoo News, a backlash is forming against the so-called 15-minute cities.

“Urban centers across the continent have adopted a host of innovative schemes designed to steer vehicles out of crowded downtowns, creating so-called 15-minute cities — where cars aren’t needed and services like banks, barbers, grocery stores and doctors are a short stroll or bike ride away. But a fierce backlash has emerged in recent months against the restrictions and plans to all but rid cities of the bulk of their automobiles.”

Barbara Stoll, director of the Clean Cities Campaign, which works with municipal governments to reduce incoming traffic, told Yahoo News she’s getting worried.

“There’s a new aggressiveness in some of the pushback we’re witnessing. A lot of that opposition is from a very loud minority, largely composed of men who rely on the car, which has on multiple occasions escalated into physical violence and threats to public officials.”

So she heads up an organization that uses the long arm of the law to render people’s use of their vehicles moot, and then she complains as if those people are just supposed to lay down and take it, just hand over their vehicles to the salvage yard and be OK with that? This woman is insane. But aren’t all communists drunk with power to the point that they become insane?

In response to objections from business groups and political opponents, who have demanded that economic assessments be conducted prior to converting more neighborhoods to traffic-free zones, the Barcelona City Council in December froze in place its “superblock” program. A plan to keep cars out of one district in Berlin is also up in the air after candidates opposed to the idea fared well in last week’s elections in Germany.

In sprawling Brussels, where “traffic-calming measures” that are part of the city’s Good Move mobility plan have created construction quagmires, some politicians are voicing loud dissatisfaction, with one party, the hard-right Vlaams Belang, launching a sarcasm-laden campaign called No Move.

The group says on its Facebook page that, “The only thing that the Brussels government has managed to do is aggravate the traffic situation in our city, which was already disastrous.”


An exclusive report by The Intercept finds that U.S. SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND, responsible for some of the country’s most secretive military endeavors, is gearing up to conduct internet propaganda and deception campaigns online using deepfake videos.

The report by The Intercept is based on federal contracting documents reviewed by the news outlet, which writes:

“The plans, which also describe hacking internet-connected devices to eavesdrop in order to assess foreign populations’ susceptibility to propaganda, come at a time of intense global debate over technologically sophisticated ‘disinformation’ campaigns, their effectiveness, and the ethics of their use.”

The article points out that while the U.S. government routinely warns against the risk of deepfakes and is openly working to build tools to counter them, “the document from Special Operations Command, or SOCOM, represents a nearly unprecedented instance of the American government — or any government — openly signaling its desire to use the highly controversial technology offensively.”

SOCOM’s next generation propaganda aspirations are outlined in a procurement document that lists capabilities it’s seeking for the near future and soliciting proposals from outside private contractors who believe they’re able to build them.

Chris Meserole, head of the Brookings Institution’s Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology Initiative, told The Intercept:

“When it comes to disinformation, the Pentagon should not be fighting fire with fire. At a time when digital propaganda is on the rise globally, the U.S. should be doing everything it can to strengthen democracy by building support for shared notions of truth and reality. Deepfakes do the opposite. By casting doubt on the credibility of all content and information, whether real or synthetic, they ultimately erode the foundation of democracy itself.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

An entire political party wouldn't try to demonize a bunch of grandmas and blue-collar patriots by twisting the facts to make it seem like they brutally murdered a police officer, right?

That would never happen in America, right?


That’s exactly what the Democrats and RINOs did in concocting a false narrative about what happened on January 6.

Officer Brian Sicknick was “brutally slain,” the official story from the Congressional January 6 Committee says.

But now that video heretofore kept hidden from the American people has been released, we know it was all a lie.

Check this out from Tucker Carlson.



The medical examiner determined Officer Sicknick died of natural causes after suffering a stroke.



A rioter was charged and sentenced over assault, not Brian Sicknick’s murder, and the court made explicit note of that fact.

But the Democrats and certain RINO Republicans continue to spread the lies about his death. 

The Democrats lied, they knew they were lying, they had the footage to prove it, and yet they used Sicknick as a pawn in their political vendetta against Trump and his supporters.

Just like they lied about the Q A’non shaman, Jacob Chansley, who committed no crime as the videos reveal he was personally led into the Senate chamber by Capitol Police. 

Here is that video.



The criminals on this committee, every one of them, are guilty of holding back exculpatory evidence. That’s a crime. And they should be prosecuted for it. But you watch, no one will be held accountable for this horrendous crime in which innocent people were set up and then thrown in jail after a show trial. We were taught in school growing up that crimes of this nature only happen in communist countries. 

In many ways, the communist countries aren’t as bad. At least they tell you what they’re all about. Here, they carry out the exact same atrocities against law-abiding citizens, while wrapping themselves in “democracy” and quoting the Constitution!

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for lending your support to this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. May God save America! Take care.


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