National Geographic Bin Laden Special Confirms CIA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery Was Correct: Al-Qaeda Hid Messages In Videos

National Geographic Bin Laden Special Confirms CIA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery Was Correct: Al-Qaeda Hid Messages In Videos

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Peter Bergen And Nelly Lahoud Of Soros-Funded New America Featured In National Geographic Bin Laden Special Confirming Al-Qaeda Encrypted Messages In Videos 

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones  

Dennis Montgomery, the former CIA contractor framed ten years ago by journalists of dubious repute for supposedly selling “hoax” technology to the CIA that could detect encrypted al-Qaeda messages embedded in videos broadcast over the  Al-Jazeera TV network, was proven correct last night during National Geographic’s new television special “Bin Laden’s Hard Drive.” 

The National Geographic special, presented by CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen, premiered on the eve of the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

According to the National Geographic program, Navy SEALs who raided Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 2, 2011 and killed the al-Qaeda leader also captured a large stash of Bin Laden’s collection of pornographic images and videos that the terrorist had stored on digital media.

The National Geographic special stated that Bin Laden was able to encrypt secret messages into pornographic videos and distribute those video files to other al-Qaeda terrorists under his command. The program explained that the purpose of the encrypted pornographic videos was to exchange messages while avoiding detection by U.S. intelligence agencies that were attempting to intercept al-Qaeda communications and to locate Bin Laden.

This new confirmation that Bin Laden and al-Qaeda encrypted messages into video files is vindication for Dennis Montgomery.

Montgomery is the software designer, and subsequently CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower, who developed technology that could detect and decrypt secret messages hidden in al-Qaeda videos broadcast over the Al-Jazeera network. 

From late 2009 to 2011, Montgomery was mocked as a “fraud” and a “con artist” in a media campaign of hit pieces carried by The New York Times, NPR, Playboy Magazine, and other outlets.





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