
  • John Loeffler: July 31, 2020

    John Loeffler
    First up this week, we have defense and aerospace veteran Reuben Johnson (, joining us from Kiev, Ukraine, where he examines the geopolitics of Russia and China, including Putin’s new extended stay as Russian leader, the possible collapse economically of both countries, and how well Americans understand what’s happening outside of the U.S.

    We transition to Peter Vincent Pry (, Executive Director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security. He looks at how little the U.S. has prepared against a possible EMP attack and how a power bloc of countries would compete for control if the U.S. were ever to militarily leave a region.

    What is a paradigm shift and what does it look like when you’re going through one? In this week’s boralogue, John makes sense of all the chaos we’re seeing today, explaining the different steps of the paradigm shift happening right now and how to survive it. We must retain the foundations America was built on once we’ve shifted or we’re done as a free country.

    We round out the program this week with John’s analysis on logical fallacies, how best to spot them, and what you can do to refute them.

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