Dr. Lawrence Sellin

Dr. Lawrence Sellin
  • China's Biological Warfare Program 
is Much Larger Than Americans Know

    My name is Lawrence Sellin. I have a doctoral degree in human physiology from a medical school. I spent over 20 years doing basic and clinical research. I worked at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick. I also spent 29 years in the US Army Reserve and I'm a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, everyone is fully aware of the terrible consequences of the COVID19 pandemic. I think the first and most important thing we must do is stop debating the origin of COVID19. China would like to prolong that debate because it can avoid a responsibility for causing this pandemic.
  • China's Biological Warfare Program 
is Much Larger Than Americans Know

    My name is Lawrence Sellin. I have a doctoral degree in human physiology from a medical school. I spent over 20 years doing basic and clinical research. I worked at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick. I also spent 29 years in the US Army Reserve and I'm a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, everyone is fully aware of the terrible consequences of the COVID19 pandemic. I think the first and most important thing we must do is stop debating the origin of COVID19. China would like to prolong that debate because it can avoid a responsibility for causing this pandemic.
  • China’s Massive Infiltration of U.S. Virus Research Laboratories

    It began in the 1990s as a trickle of Chinese military scientists trained by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and arriving at U.S. universities and research institutions.Then, via the scientific exchange equivalent of chain migration, U.S. virus research programs were flooded with scientists from Communist China, where Chinese scientists already working in the U.S. invited close colleagues to their laboratories.