Voter Fraud

Voter Fraud
  • Crosstalk: November 20, 2020

    Rudy Giuliani and Attorney Sidney Powell held a 90 minute press conference pointing out election fraud in numerous states, an amount that they believe would be sufficient to overturn the projected winner for president in such states. So what else might lead one to believe that irregularities had to be taking place in these battleground states?  All one has to do is take a look at some election oddities that no one else can explain.   
  • Crosstalk: November 20, 2020

    Rudy Giuliani and Attorney Sidney Powell held a 90 minute press conference pointing out election fraud in numerous states, an amount that they believe would be sufficient to overturn the projected winner for president in such states. So what else might lead one to believe that irregularities had to be taking place in these battleground states?  All one has to do is take a look at some election oddities that no one else can explain.   
  • General McInerney: If President Trump Does Not Secure A Second Term “We Now Might Just as Well as be 
a Socialist, Communist Country Because That's 
Where We're Going"

    Now Gen. McInerney joins me.  General, thank you for making time for us today.  I know you're busy with a ton of interviews.  Thank you for being with us.

    Gen. Thomas McInerney:  Thanks very much for having me, Brannon.

    Brannon Howse:  Last night was an amazing program.  Are you getting any feedback?  'Cause we set record numbers.  We know we had so many people watching.  Did we accomplish anything last night, General?

    Gen. Thomas McInerney:  Well, I think we have.  I think the ball is moving a little bit, but we still haven't crossed the goal line of what we're trying to do, Brannon.  So we've gotta keep it up and make sure the American people know and get to the president and get him personally involved to know that this is the keystone, if you will, of solving this problem of the cyber-warfare against his election.